
Achieving supply chain success in the non-acute­ care market really boils down to having the right people, 正确的关系, 并为所有相关人员带来同样的结局. 如果我们能做到这一点,并将储蓄推至底线,那么我们将继续增长.


随着越来越多的idn获得医师执业, acute-care­ based supply chain executives are discovering the art and science of servicing non-acute-care sites.

LBMC提供业务流程外包解决方案-包括 财务与会计, 技术, 人力资源和工资, pro-curement -给全国各地的客户. 我们最大的采购客户之一是 健康的前提, which operates approximately 500 worksite health and wellness cen­ters for self-insured employers across the country. The company was formed in June 2014 through the merger of CHS Health Services and Take Care Employer Solutions LLC and has been a client of ours since formation.

代表前提健康地点签订合同是一个战略过程. 我们有82%的工作场所设施支出是在某种形式的合同下进行的, 要么通过直接谈判,要么通过Alpharetta, Ga.的 Me-dAssets. 我们监督战术和 战略采购 为驻地卫生设施, 虽然这个过程大部分是自动化的,在设施层面上处理.


We are often asked what separates us from other procurement professionals and the easy answer is we “Simplify and Standardize” processes.  By creating the efficiency on the front end with items and negotiated goods/services – it is then possible to drive the business toward favorable financial results.


简化: For the categories we provide strategic suppliers in; we have done the market research and analysis to align ourselves with best-in-class suppliers. 这远远不只是定价——它是一个总成本、质量和交货要求. National coverage that is scalable and continuously improving is a key characteristic of our supplier partners.

标准化: 通过费用分析和关键类别的合理化来减少项目的数量, we can go to our suppliers and aggregate spend on the then-rationalized items and drive substantial savings. 我们可以创建公式和排序过程来驱动控制和规模. 而标准化是一流组织的关键特征, it is understood that each client has specific needs and our team flexes to those specific expectations.

Our differentiation is the team that we have and our experience in the categories and processes that are traditional in the 采购 industry. The ability to stretch our suppliers to meet the needs of our clients and to align our vertical with similar goods and services is extremely impactful to any client we have. Managing risk (through controls and standards) associated with an organization’s spend is much bigger than just pricing, 这是整个价值主张. S&评估是采购解决方案成功的关键.


I came from the automotive industry where strategic supplier relationships are in place and have been leveraged for years in that industry. 把这个概念转移到 医疗保健行业 一直是我的重要采购策略吗. 我们是客户组织的延伸, 并且可以代表他们做出采购决定. 因为这种能力, we can roll up millions of dollars of spend­ing leverage for the benefit of our clients and contracted vendors as an aggregated procurement partner.

Making changes to the supply chain – including aggregating volume – calls for buy-in from finance executives and physicians. 前者几乎不需要说服, 因为参与LBMC采购计划的投资回报率很容易证明. 但医生可能需要一些提示. As long as I can talk to them as it relates to [medical products and equipment] of the same quality or better quality than what they’re used to, 我们会得到支持的. 供应商帮助我支持这个案例.

我们与明升体育app下载主要经销商建立了战略关系, 亨利·史肯两年内,该公司的销售额从不到100万美元增至1400万美元. Working on that ba­sis allows me to work with 亨利·史肯 to create the best pos­sible value proposition for my clients. 只有当你与供应商建立了牢固的战略关系时,这种情况才会发生. 这是一个范式的转变.


目前,我们与医疗/外科等主要消费领域建立了战略合作关系, 办公用品, 建筑/设施/建筑, 小的包裹, 医疗废物管理, 旅游和IT. We align our entire book of busi­ness spend with a best-in-class organiza­tion that offers 技术 and continuous improvement deliverables that allow our business to grow with scale and, 更重要了, 提高与我们合作的各种客户的效率. 我们寻找灵活的, nimble and diverse suppliers that echo our strategy and culture around ac­countability to all of the above.


  • 是否存在缺乏支出控制的大型成本类别?
  • 是否存在可能缺乏问责制的大型成本类别?
  • 是否存在可以改善供应商关系的大成本类别?
  • 你们是一家从供应商那里进货的公司吗?
  • 您的公司是否规模太小,没有专门的采购专业人员?
  • 你是一个愿意标准化的公司吗?


I anticipate that we will continue working directly with medical equipment manu­facturers and 亨利·史肯 so we can do things better and faster, 提高市场效率. We will get more specifically involved with OEM suppliers at the table with 亨利·史肯 as we develop larger pieces of busi­ness within a specific OEM segment. We would sit down and leverage our strategic relationship with 亨利·史肯 to bring parties together with us at the table, 同时也要讨论一下我们希望达到的最终结果. 亨利·沙因就是那座桥, 因为他们最终与制造商建立了更深的关系, 我们是最终用户. 这将是经销商的一次范式转变.

更重要的是,我们打算在LBMC已经强大的能力基础上,围绕 指示板和报告. 我们在供应商关系和支出类别中创建仪表板, 每季度和明升体育app下载客户一起审查. 这样做可以使LBMC在他们中间建立信誉、信心和知识. 我们有强大的能力将财务和采购结合起来, 然后向明升体育app下载客户群报告他们的资金管理情况. 从仪表板的角度来看,我们已经获得了牵引力.

长期, LBMC will be engaged in helping 健康的前提 in­corporate telemedicine and other in­novative technologies into its facilities’ protocols. 健康的前提 is building a robust 技术 platform for the de­livery of care to be more current to the population we provide care for. 在健康的前提,负责这方面工作的团队是“产品与创新”团队, 由包括临床在内的跨职能团队领导, 运营和技术领导者. I have been working with our CIO and our 技术 innovation partner to connect with 亨利·史肯 on this.



随着idn获得医师执业和其他非急症护理场所, 在医院环境中长大的供应链管理人员面临着一条陡峭的学习曲线. They will be called on to exhibit flexibility and an entrepreneurial spirit to thrive in a new healthcare world. 和, 毫无疑问, they will be challenged to form strategic relationships similar to those that are allowing LBMC and 健康的前提 to thrive.


Debbie Long于2017年加入LBMC采购解决方案,收购了W Squared. 她于2012年加入W Squared,拥有超过20年的采购服务经验. 她的职业生涯始于通用汽车公司,然后在Newell/Rubbermaid, Murray公司工作., Asurion和Grove国际公司. She taught a pur­chasing certification program at the college level; and received her Certified Purchasing Manager (CPM) and Certified in Production and Inventory Management (CPIM) credentials from the Institute of Supply Chain Management.

如果你对LBMC的 外包采购服务 可以联系Ashley Patterson,地址是 阿什利.patterson@kievgirl.com 或者使用下面的联系表格.